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• Arras (depósito) - Deposit - 押金

• Apostille - Legal validation - 認證

• Ayuntamiento - Town hall - 市政府

• Arrendamiento - Lease - 租赁

• Arrendador (propietario) - Landlord - 房東

• Arrendatario (inquilino) - Tenant - 房客

• Asesor fiscal - Tax consultant - 稅務顧問

• Administrador de fincas - The administrator of the community/ land - 大樓(物業)管理委員會

• Agente de Propiedad Inmobiliaria (API) - Real estate agent with oficial API

registration number - 有API 註冊的房地產仲介

• Assabentat d’Obres (Catalan) - Permitted Development (PD) - 施工事前知會(不需申請裝修執照)

• Asociación Provincial de Instaladores - Association of registered Electricians &

Plumbers - 註冊水電工公會

• Actos jurídicos documentados - Stamp duty - 印花稅

• Abogado - Lawyer - 律師

• Borrador del banquero - Banker's draft (Casher’s check) - 銀行匯票

• Boletín de Instalación - A certificate issued by the electricity and water boards

approving installation of electricity and water. Needed to obtain electric and water meters for new buildings. - 水電安裝公告

• Boletín Oficial del Estado - Official national, regional or provincial state bulletin

publicising legal documents and issuing notices of public interest. - 官方公報

• Cámara de la Propiedad - Register of rented property - 出租房產註冊所

• Cargas y gravámenes - Charges and encumbrances - 抵押與負債

• Contrato de compraventa - Purchase agreement - 買賣合約

• Compraventa - Purchase/sale - 買賣

• Copia simple - A simple copy of Escritura - 房契副本/土地登記謄本副本

• Cuenta bancaria - Back account - 銀行帳戶

• Certificado Energético de Edificio Existente - Energy performance certificate - 能源證書

• Certificado de Final de Obra - Building completion certificate, a certificate that the architect or developer must present to the local Town Hall stating that the building has been complete - 竣工證明書

• Cédula de habitabilidad - The habitability certificate of a dwelling, to prove that the space comply minimum requirements so that can be inhabited by people in terms of health, hygiene and solidity. It is legalised by the autonomous communities and expires every 15 years. - 可居住許可證

• Catalogado - listed - 被列為古蹟的

• Comunicación previa - Permitted Development (PD)- 施工事前知會(不需申請裝修執照)

• Comprador -Buyer - 買家

• Contador - Accountant - 會計師

• Certificado descriptivo y gráfico con linderos - A certificate from the Recaudación Provincial, provincial rate office, showing the official boundaries and registered square meter of a plot of land - 地籍證明書

• Cesión - Rental contract for business premises - 對經營場所的租賃合同

• Comunidad de propietarios - A community of Owners with a president, Treasurer and Secretary dealing with day-to day- running of the estate, complex or apartment block. You belong to it by law. - 大樓管委會(只針對屋主)

• Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca - Department of Agriculture & Fisheries at a Junta, the regional government . - 區域性農/漁業部

• Cortijo - A farmhouse - 農舍

• Cuenta ajena - Working as an employee - 公司職員

• Cuenta propia o autónomo - Self-employed status - 自僱人士身份

• Declaración de Obra Nueva - Declaration of a new building. You go to the notary's office to make an Escritura declaring that you have built a dwelling on land that you own. If it is a new property bit already built, this declaration can be done at the same time as the Escritura for the land. - 新成屋宣言

• Delegación de Industria - Delegation of Industry, the authority that issues the

certificate for the installation of the electric and water meters. - 工業(水電)授權機關

• Departamento de Extranjería - Foreigner's department at the National Police station where NIE numbers and residence cards are applied for. - 國家警察所屬外國人註冊部門

• Departamento de Urbanismo - Planning department of the Town Hall - 市政府都發局

• Dominio absoluto - freehold - 永久產權

• Escritura - Property title deeds - 房契/土地登記謄本

• Empadronamiento (padrón) - Census / - 人口調查

• Embargo - A charge registered at the Land Registry for unpaid debts. It can be

actioned by a court order to auction off property to recover debt. - 查封

• Expediente de dominio - Document of proof of ownership, issued by the court in the event that there are no Escritura title deeds for a property. - 域名記錄

• Flujo de fondos - Cash flow - 現金流

• Finca o finca rústica - A farm. Often people refer to their Finca, meaning they have a house in the country, with land - 農場/鄉間別墅

• Finca - Property - 房(地)產

• Gestoría - Private agency which deal with legal or administration work - 代辦處

• Gestor intermediario en promociones de edificaciones (GIPE) - Registered Estate Agent - GIPE 註冊的房屋仲介

• Gestor - Agent or manager from gestoría - 代辦專員

• Ganancias de capital - Capital gain - 資本利得

• Gastos de comunidad - The annual community fee - 社區管理費

• Graduado Social - Specialist in social security and labour law - 社會保障和勞動法顧問

• Hipoteca - Mortgage - 房貸

• Hacer una oferta - Make an offer - 出價/下斡旋

• Hogar de pensionistas - Pensioners' club or day centre - 退休人員/養老金領取者之俱樂部或日間中心

• Impuestos sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales (ITP) - Property Transfer Taxes - 過戶登記稅

• Informe urbanístico - A document from the Town Hall detailing what they will allow to be built on a given piece of land - 都市使用分區

• Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido o agregado (IVA) - Value added tax - 增值稅

• Inmuebles y Bienes Inmobiliarias (IBI) - Property Tax /house tax - 房屋稅

• Inversor - Investor - 投資人

• Inmobiliaria - Real estate agency - 房屋仲介

• Interés - Interests - 利息

• Jefatura de Costas - Governmental department in charge of the coastal area of Spain - 政府主管沿海地區部門

• Junta - The regional government. - 自治區政府

• Ley de Costas - Coastal building law - 沿海建築法規

• Licencia de primera ocupación - Licence of first occupation - 使用執照

• Licencia de apertura - Opening Licence for a business - 開幕許可證

• Licencia de obra - A building license/ building permit which must obtained from the Planning Department at the local Town Hall for all building work. - 施工許可証

• Licencia de obra menor - A licence for limited building works. This requires a project signed off by an architect when changing partition walls. - 小型工程施工許可証

• Licencia de obra mayor - A licence for limited building works. This requires a project signed off by an architect when involving structural work. - 大型工程施工許可証

• Licencia de primera ocupación - Licence of first occupation, also known as

the cédula de habitabilidad. Obtained from the local Town Hall, which mist

previously have seen the certificado de final de obra (building completion certificate). Without this license you cannot get an electric meter - 使用執照/可居住許可證

• Licencia fiscal - Fiscal Licence - 稅務執照

• Local - Comercial - 店面

• Memoria de calidades - Building specification - 建築規範

• Mapa catastral - Cadastral map - 地籍圖

• Membrana acústica - Acoustic membrane - 高密度隔音膜

• Manifiestan - Recitals - 訂約緣由/說明條款

• NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) - A obligatory personal identification number for foreign residents in Spain. The same number is used as a person's Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) - tax identification number. - 外國人身份證號碼

• NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal) - Tax identification number. The same number as the NIE for foreign residents in Spain - 納稅識別碼

• Notario - Public notary. A government-appointed lawyer who legalises documents including, among others, Escritura title deeds and Powers of Attorney. Highly qualified and has the same status as a judge. - 公證人/ 公證所

• Nota simple - A document issued by the Land registry and showing registration

details of a property. These include the present owner, and if there are any mortgage or other debts on the property - 土地所有權狀

• Negociar - Negotiate - 談判

• Oficina - Office - 辦公室

• Patrimonio - Heritage - 文化資產局

• Plusvalía - Local tax payable on sale of property. It is a percentage of the increase of the value of the land since it was purchased by the vendors. - 土地增值稅

• Poder notarial - Power of Attorney, or PoA. This will be required if you are unable to attend the notary's office to sign the public Escritura title deeds, It is sometimes referred to simply as a Poder . - 委託書

• Precio de compra - The purchase price of the property - 成交金額

• Policía municipal - The local police - 當地警察局

• Pactos - Clauses - 條款

• Presupuesto - Budget/quote - 預算/估價單

• Recaudación Provincial - The provincial rates office which is sometimes physically located at the local Town Hall. - 省級辦事處

• Rejas - Iron bars on windows - 牢獄之災

• Residencia - Having Residencia, residency status, means you have a document

authorising you to live in Spain permanently with (most of) the same rights and

(most) responsibilities as a Spanish citizen. - 居民身份

• Retorno de la inversión - ROI (return on investment) - 自有資金報酬率

• Rendimiento - Yield - 獲利/收益率

• Rentabilidad - Profitability - 總價租金報酬率

• Registro Catastral - Cadastral Registration - 地籍登記

• Registro de la Propiedad - Land registry - 地政事務所

• Recaudación Provincial - Local property rates office - 當地稅徵處

• Riesgo - Risk -風險

• Segregación - Local segregation, for example, the demarcation in law of the plot of land that you are buying from the rest of the land on a housing estate - 地界

• Seguro Decenal - A 10-year structural insurance for a property - 十年制建築結構安全保險

• Situación catastral - The catastral situation - 地籍情況

• Se alquila - To rent - 出租

• Se Vende/ En Venta - For sale - 出售

• Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social - Social Security Office - 社會保障局

• Transferencia bancaria - Bank transfer - 銀行轉帳

• Transmisiones Patrimoniales -Patrimonial Transmissions - 產權轉讓

• Términos y condiciones - Terms and conditions - 條款和條件

• Tasación - Real estate appraisal - 房地產鑑價評估

• Terreno de regadío - Irrigated farmland - 有灌溉系統之農地

• Terreno de secano - Dry land. i.e. not irrigated - 無灌溉系統之農地

• Testamento - Will & Testament - 遺囑

• Traspaso / Cesión - Leasehold property - 租借產權

• Usufructo - A legal term signifying a right to use a property. For example, you may buy a property for your children but have a legal right to use it while you remain alive. - 使用權

• Valor catastral - Official rateable value of a property - 公告地價

• Vendedor - Seller - 賣家

• Vivienda - House - 住宅

在此,我也要推薦大家一本關於如何在西班牙買房子的好書,書名叫:"The complete guide to buying a property in Spain" 。這本書除了提供非常完整的西班牙買房步驟與注意事項外,也提供許多西班牙文對英文的詞彙對照,這些詞彙已被我們收錄並翻譯,另外下方這兩個網站上也有需多西班牙文對英文的詞彙翻譯,未來有機會,我們會盡量也翻譯成中文給大家對照參考!

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